Jago temple Located in District Tumpang, Malang regency, or about 22 km from Malang

 Temple Jago
Jago temple comes from the word "Jajaghu", established in the Kingdom of Singhasari in the 13th century. Located in District Tumpang, Malang regency, or about 22 km from Malang.

This temple is quite unique, because the top left only partially and according to local stories because of lightning. Kunjarakarna reliefs and Pancatantra can be found in this temple. A whole bunch of buildings of this temple is composed of andesite stone material.
Manjusri Statue

In this temple Adityawarman thenput the like the Statue Manjusri called on Inscription . This statue is now stored at the National Museum inventory number D. 214.
Temple Jago

Architecture Candi Jago punden arranged as a terrace with staircase. The overall length 23.71 m, width 14 m, and height 9.97 m. Candi Jago building visible is not intact anymore, which left at Candi Jago is only a small portion of the foot and body temple. Body temple supported by three terraces. The front porch of the temple body indented and located on the third terrace. The roof and part of the temple has been open. The exact form of the roof is not yet known, but there are allegations that the shape of the roof resembles Meru or Jago Temple Pagoda.

On the outer wall of the temple legs carved reliefs Kresnayana story, Parthayana, Arjunawiwaha, Kunjarakharna, Anglingdharma, and the story fable. To follow the story sequence Jago temple reliefs we walked around the temple clockwise (pradaksiana).

In the upper left corner of the temple (northwest), painted early animal stories as well as stories Tanti. This story consists of several panels. While on the front wall of the temple there is a fable, the tortoise. There are two turtles are flown by a swan in a way a turtle had bitten a bunch of wood. Along the way the turtle laughed at by a pack of wolves. They hear and turtles responded with the words (say), so that it opened his mouth. He fell because apart from the bite of the wood. Turtles become wolf food. Meaning more or less give advice, do not retreat in the business or insult people just because.

At the northeast corner there is a series of stories narrated Yaksa Kunjarakarna Buddha. He went to the supreme god, namely the Wairocana to study Buddhism.

Some of the decorations and reliefs at the foot of the temple form Kunjarakarna story. This story is dedaktif in Buddhist belief, among others, is told about giant Kunjarakarna want to reincarnate into a human. He is facing Wairocana and convey meaning. After being given advice and obedient to the teachings of Buddha, a giant wish finally came true.

On the third terrace there is a story that narrates Arjunawiwaha marriage with Goddess Suprabha Arjuna as a gift from Bhatara Master after defeating the giant Niwatakawaca Arjuna.

Candi Jago decoration on the body is not as much on his feet. Bodies are seen in relief Kalayawana scene, which has to do with the story Kresnayana. Relief is about the battle between the king Kalayawana with Krishna. While on the roof of the temple is presumed once the roof is made of wood / fibers, now it does not have the scars.
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